martes, 22 de enero de 2013


Un pintor español ha tenido gran éxito de publico durante la reciente exposición de sus cuadros en la Oficina de Contactos del Consulado de Mexico en Taiwán. La casualidad es que el pintor también es sacerdote católico, de combate Ramón C. Profesor de la Diversidad de Taechung

''The artist Ramón Santacana (Barcelona, 1958) has a multifaceted and paradoxical personality.  University Professor, Economist, Priest and Artist, he speaks different languages and has lived
in many cities in Europe, America and Asia.

He has been for many years in Taiwan, where he
has brought his great cultural heritage sharing his long process of intercultural creation.  Santacana's
oils present a fine portrait of human characters, situations and emotions.  The eyes of these characters seem to acquire a life of its own to communicate directly with us, while other times, they are lost in the distance looking for an answer that never comes.  Finally, there are other eyes hidden in the dark, or out of the frame, looking for an isolated inner space.
more info clic aqui

It is an exploration of the innermost feelings of
human beings.  To admire Santacana’s exhibition, one should stay a while in silence, then close one´s
eyes to visualize the face that appears in front of you''

en ingles clic aqui


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