viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010

Fluency in spanish in nine months

Ben and Marina (Notes in spanish advanced) have posted an interesting download on how to become fluent in spanish in nine months. They also ask  the question- when can you call yourself fluent?  It is worth noting the suggestions provided, and particularly not to worry too much about making mistakes.

While I doubt it can happen without living in a spanish speaking country,  I do find speaking and listening to spanish on a daily basis can help improve skills.   I do not call myself fluent, because while I understand others speaking quite easily, humor, songs and other cultural aspects frequently remain outside my understanding.  There are several things that I do as a matter of course to better my speaking and comprehension:

For those able to carry on a conversation over the phone-when you hear those ever more frequent recorded words from the computer:  (Oprima número dos para español-please push two for spanish) I always push the appropriate button and carry on in spanish.  Not only do you get a chance to practice spanish conversation, you frequently get a live person more quickly.

Watching spanish TV helps me penetrate the protective layer of humor that renders all languages difficult to learn.  For example, I watch a sitcom called La Familia P. Luche-to try and understand humor.  This is not a comment on the quality of the programming!  I also watch the European and Mexican soccer league games in spanish.

2 comentarios:

  1. I always liked the Spanish word for fluent, fluido. The joke was, the more fluids (tequila), the more fluid. I do not recommend my method to learn Spanish, but it worked. In 1985 I strapped two bags to a motorcycle, drove to Texas and made a left. Two weeks later the city was rocked by a devastating earthquake (8.1 on the richter). 10s of thousands were dead. After some semblance of normality returned, I enrolled in 6 week intensive course in UNAM. At the same time I got a job with a lawyer as a detective chasing people around Mexico City (on the motorcycle). He spoke no English and I knew barely Berlitz Spanish. The first half of that year, I could formulate sentences but not understand much of what people said back. The next six months reversed and I could understand better than I could keep up in the conversation. After about a year, I felt confident. My last assignment for the lawyer I had to wait outside a police station and follow a cop down to Xochimilco. That guy damn near killed me. I promptly resigned.

  2. Great story! I think you should write a book about your experiences south of the border. I also think it would make a great comment on the note in spanish advanced blog referenced above.
