domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

Vargas Llosa, Edith Grossman and ....William Faulkner?

The Americas Society/Council of the Americas is one of the prestigious Latin American oriented organizations promoting literature and the arts.  It is located in NYC.  A few weeks ago Edith Grossman (noted translator of Latino authors books written in Spanish-Fuentes, Vargas Llosa, and others) had a one on one dialogue with the noted Peruvian author about his most recent book.  It is  well worth watching the english language video, as it reveals a lot about both of these people.  In the two person dialogue Vargas Llosa reflects on how Carlos Fuentes originated the belief that William Faulkner's writings generated the Latin American boom as his writings about the american south had similar aspects to latino culture, e.g., a few rich people at the top, etc.   If there is one US author where I lose interest  quickly it is Faulkner.  With the Fuentes comment many years ago that Faulkner is the "best latin american writer" to live in the US I am going to have to revisit some of the Faulkner books.  Maybe it is time to take another stab at the Sound and the Fury!

Meanwhile it is worth watching the video linked below.  It gives one an appreciation for Vargas Llosa and Edith Grossman.

(courtesy Society of the Americas/Council of the Americas)

Monday, November 12, 2012

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