miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Real Academia Española language changes


  • The letter Y, formerly called  “i griega,” will now be called “ye.”
  • The letters B and V  will be called by their formal names “be” and “uve” and not “b alta, b larga, b corta or b chica, all common ways of referring to those letters in Latin America.
  • The prefix “ex” will be attached to words without a hyphen. For example:exnovio, exmarido, exdirector, etc.
  • The words guióntruhán and sólo will no longer have an accent mark (la tilde).
  • The letter Q will only appear in Spanish when it is paired with the letter U and followed by either the vowels E or I.  (For example: quiosco, querer, etc.). In all other cases, the letters C or K will be used instead of Q. Iraq becomes Irak, Qatar becomes Catar, quorum becomes cuórum.
Source: Voicesenespanol

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