lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011

Magnum Photographer Cristiana Garcia Rodero

Sociedad Hispana member Amanda (thank you!) has been linking a New York Times current series on Galicia and Spain. She made reference in social media to Spanish Photography, and an interesting article about Magnum Photographer Cristina Garcia Rodero. The history of Magnum reads like the history of photography.  A good read on the photo agency: Magnum: Fifty Years at the Front Line of History: The Story of the Legendary Photo Agency

A prior post:   debates the authenticity of a most famous Robert Capa (Co-Founder of Magnum) photo taken during the Spanish Civil War.

The article from the NYT that generated this web entry about Cristina Garcia Rodero is here:
I do not believe she was the first woman member of Magnum, as the article indicates, but will explore it further.

None of this detracts from the great Garcia Rodero photography found on the Magnum website here:

Garcia Rodero won the prestigious Eugene Smith Humanitarian Photography award in 1989.

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