Recently the International Center of Photography in New York staged an exhibition containing photos from the "lost Mexican suitcase," a group of Capa negatives found in Mexico recently-some 55 years after Capa was killed by a land mine in Vietnam during the French occupation in 1954. The New York Times today ran an article about Capa, discussing his life, including the famous "Falling Spanish Soldier" photo thought to be a staged photo by some experts. Either I am just realizing it, but it seems the Franco era is still being more than hotly debated. Perhaps this is because of the International Court appeal brought by Spanish Judge Baltzar, who was recently stopped from trying to investigate the disappearance of thousands of people under the Franco regime.
Sociedad Hispana Doylestown book club will in the future read the best selling author Javier Cercas, who wrote Soldados de Salamina, as well as other books written near the time Capa was photographing the Guerra Civil in Spain.
Soldados de Salamina (Spanish Edition)
En realidad no hay debate , lo unico que hay es el deseo de hechar tierra encima de lo que se hizo
ResponderBorrarmal , y aunque hoy en dia no se iba a condenar a nadie , se quiere que se olvide todo por las buenas y aqui no ha pasado nada . las victimas de desapariciones solo quieren encontrar a sus muertos y que se reconozca la injusticia , que nunca deber quedar oculta
Nosotros los Españoles tenemos muy asumido todo lo que hicimos en America , tenemos peliculas donde no escatimamos en mostrarlo , incluso en sus versiones mas crueles
¿ deberiamos pedir a todos ellos que olviden nuestros abusos ? lo cierto es que hoy en dia tenemos esto superado y no hay rencores ,
pero las cosas se cuentan en la historia tal como sucedieron
Al Judge Baltzar empezaron a irle mal las cosas
cuando empezo a investigar un caso de corrupcion politica del PP partido de la oposicion , desde entonces fueron a por el
Gracias Alvaro por su comentario!