The Feast of the Goat, (Trujillo dictatorship) and the classic The War of the Worlds (Brazilian military violent intervention in that country's impoverished hinterlands) are two of my favorites written by Vargas Llosa.
It occurs to me after reading this author's recent letter to the Wall Street Journal, Vargas Llosa is one of the few Latin American authors I have read with a somewhat middle approach to politics. His discussions with fellow latino authors have led to at least one fist fight. Among other favorite latino authors (García Marquez, Allende, Carlos Fuentes) all have diametrically opposed views of the world.
After reading the below linked Vargas Llosa letter to the editor, it reminded me of current Sociedad Hispana book club discussions, where we have spent much time in recent months reading and discussing the Spanish Civil War. I continue to search for a book that will give me the nationalists point of view in that conflict, to assimilate another viewpoint, but so far have been unable to locate such a book. Any recommendations?
The link to the Vargas Llosa letter can be found here:
Hablando de "diametrically opposed views of the world", muchas veces me pregunto porque sera que estos autores no se analizan a si mismos antes de luchar por causas perdidas de sistemas que han probado que no pueden subsistir en este mundo del siglo XXI? Sera que en casa de ciegos, el tuerto es rey?