viernes, 24 de febrero de 2012

Hugo Chavez segunda instancia

El presidente de Venezuela Hugo Chavez, cambio de idea y postergo su viaje a La Habana para ser operado por segunda vez en un "lugar desconocido de su organismo". Por el contrario, decidio entrevistarse con un grupo negociador del Gobierno de la Republica Popular de China, para asi firmar 15 acuerdos con el pais asiatico por 600 billones de dolares, antes de su partida en avion hacia Cuba.Estos acuerdos se refieren a  yacimientos de bauxita, de petroleo, de oro y muchas otras cosas mas.
Dentro de una explicacion extensa, menciono el hecho de que "esta promoviendo la creacion de un solo y unico pais, lo que hoy en dia es conocido como America del Sur", siguiendo las ideas de Simon Bolivar.
Chavez dijo que hay muchos venezolanos que dicen que Venezuela esta dominada por los chinos, y entre risas y carcajadas, afirmo que esto no es verdad.

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A su llegada a Cuba, Chavez pasara por diversas pruebas medicas antes de la cirugia que solo sera efectuada el lunes o martes de la semana entrante.

Cuantos cambios de planes antes de hacerle frente a la realidad, no es asi?


3 comentarios:

  1. Hubo una despedida del "pueblo" al presidente, antes de que Chavez tomara su avion direccion Cuba.

  2. Doctors will study the results of the operation to determine "the optimum way to treat the lesion."
    Cuban television also reported that Chavez was operated in the Center for Medical-Surgical Investigations (CIMEQ), Cuba's most modern hospital.
    Chavez declared himself cancer-free last October, before announcing on February 21 that a small lesion had been discovered.
    "Nobody can say right now that it is another malignant tumor," he said at the time, adding that "the likelihood that it is malignant is greater than that it is not."
    The possible return of Chavez's cancer has cast doubt over his October 7 re-election bid, likely to be the most closely contested presidential election in years.
    Chavez, 57, who remains active as president while absent from Venezuela, has been in power since 1999.
    The leftist firebrand now faces a strong challenge from 39-year-old Henrique Capriles, his opposiciton's candidate.

  3. Venezuelan journalist Nelson Bocaranda wrote in El Universal that a Brazilian doctor traveled to Havana Sunday to take part in evaluating Chavez and that a Russian specialist also helped by telephone.
    WikiLeaks meanwhile published emails from Texas-based intelligence firm Stratfor Sunday including a Venezuelan source who said that Cuban doctors gave Chavez two years to live while the Russians believed he had less than a year due to improper medical equipment.
    Citing a "well-connected source," the analyst wrote in December that Cuban and Russian doctors were disputing how to treat Chavez's cancer, which had supposedly spread into his lymph nodes and up his spine.
    As during his initial cancer care in Havana last year, Chavez did not delegate power to Jaua as some opposition members sought.
