jueves, 15 de agosto de 2019

A Bittersweet Farewell to Terry and Jane

Earlier this month, we said goodbye and good luck to Terry and Jane Hull, founders of Sociedad Hispana Doylestown who are in the process of moving to New Mexico. What started out as a Spanish conversation group twelve years ago has become so much more to so many: a source of friendship, support, and community for many native and non-native Spanish speakers in the area who share an interest in the language and cultures of this very diverse group.

Terry is a former SHD board president and spent countless hours meeting members of the Doylestown community who showed an interest in SHD and welcoming them to the group. He also tirelessly fundraised to keep SHD and the successful student scholarship program funded over the years. He translated for Spanish speaking patients at the Ann Silverman Health Clinic and recruited others to become translators, as well. Jane was also very involved, assisting with many SHD events and graciously providing one-on-one ESL classes to many grateful students over the years.

We will miss Terry and Jane and wish them well in their new adventures in the southwest. We know they will add more to their interesting life story in their new community!

¡Gracias por todo y buena suerte, Terry y Jane!

1 comentario:

  1. We are already missing these two guys who, a while ago decided moving "down South". We wish them all the best.
    For sure, Las Cruces winter weather will be extremely friendly, while we all hide under many blankets ...!
    Adiós y hasta siempre, Terry and Jane...we miss you.
    Gonzalo and Nini
