martes, 10 de abril de 2012

Un segundo Titanic o un primer Balmoral?

El MS Balmoral zarpo ayer de Southampton, llevando a bordo algunos  parientes de las victimas del Titanic, junto con escritores, poetas, estudiosos y muchos  fanaticos de la historia de epocas mejores. En ocasion del viaje rememorativo, muchos de los pasajeros estaran vestidos ''de antiguos'', comeran el menu del paquebote que termino en los abismos del mar, y celebraran su llegada al puerto de New York (asi lo esperamos) con gritos y fanfarrias.
Siguiendo de cerca la ruta del muy tristemente recordado Titanic, y antes de salir a oceano-abierto, el Balmoral llego con mucho retraso al puerto de Cohb, Irlanda, despues de haber encontrado olas de 10 metros de altura, durante varias de las horas de su corto viaje al pais gaelico.
Que les aguarda a este grupo de psiquedelicos, buscando fama o algo no tan bonito?


1 comentario:

  1. 2012 is the year of Titanic and the Titanic Museum Attraction has been preparing for this monumental milestone for just short of a decade. This is YOUR opportunity to become a part of history as we take you on a historical journey that you will never forget.
    There is no other Titanic Museum or exhibit like the World's Largest Titanic Museum Attraction, owned and operated by Mr. John Joslyn. In 1987, Mr. Joslyn co-led a six-million-dollar expedition to the site of the sinking. The resulting TV documentary, "Return to the Titanic...LIVE", shown in 27 countries worldwide in 1987 remains one of the highest rated syndicated specials of all time. "I want to share as closely as possible with guests what Titanic's actual passengers and crew experienced aboard ship," explains Joslyn.
    The time is now. Help us honor the 2,208 passengers and crew that sailed Titanic. Visit today and experience this "Living Theatre" of artifacts and stories, actual photos and replicas, and realistic, interactive education.
    Walk an elegant replica of the Titanic's Grand Staircase
    See 400 Rare historical Artifacts and Touch the frozen surface of a real live 'iceberg'
    90 minute walk-through experience
    Stand on the mighty ship's bridge and hear the Captain's commands
    View life onboard, see a First Class Stateroom & Third Class cabin
    Try to send an SOS signal from the ship's wireless room.And, What else is new?
